Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Old Dog, New Trick

This old dude never blogged before and I just wanted to be able to say I had done it. Here it is. There it goes.

Thanks for including me.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Lutheran Teens Speak Out Too!

There are times in life where something happens to me (or near me) that makes me think, "You know, this is something that has so much Christianic value in it. It's a shame no one else saw it." So when something like this happens, I have a few immediate thoughts on how to share it-- but, seeing as reporting it on Myspace seems a lost cause these days and considering the odds of my friends truly listening to what I have to say as opposed to discussing who's dating who at the next table over, (which, most of the times, is a waste of a conversation seeing as that same person will probably be dating someone else next week... highschool), that something goes unnoticed.
So I do something a bit different-- I begin to dissect the event, bit by bit, and rewrite it into a sermon. You know what I mean? I know I'm not the only one who's done it-- I hope. Of course, the sermons are never said aloud-- they're more for myself, just for me to remember what I saw God doing that day.
Well, thanks to this spiffy blog, I can share these random sermons that I write. And these will be different than Pastor Ed's sermons-- you can choose whether or not to listen to what I'm saying or not. This might be something you simply scroll over on your way to read what Harry's written about-- I wouldn't blame you one bit. I just thought I'd put them out there, a christian teen's perspective on the world.
Today's sermon is in the next post. I'm still wording a few points I overlooked. Also, I thought I would waste some space explaining my future ramblings. Sorry!

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Lutherans play games too!

It was a beautiful day, so what did we do? We played games.

Check out Elizabeth's face as the Aerobie gets closer in our game of "ring toss". It changes from pure joy to please don't hit me in the face.

Oh, and Erica swallowed a bug. When asked where it went...

Monday, April 7, 2008

Lutherans are bloggers too!

This is going to be the home to the blogging of the youth from Advent Lutheran Church of Murfreesboro TN. You better be getting excited.